Humanities and Social Science Program

The Frontiers of Psychological Inquiry: Exploring Language Acquisition, Consciousness, and the Mysteries of Cognitive Science

Faculty Advisor: Visiting Faculty Member, Cornell University

Research Program Introduction

Can babies think? Why do people blush when they are embarrassed? How can we tell if someone is intelligent? What is an eating disorder? How reliable are childhood memories? Why do we laugh? Do violent video games make people act violently? How do we choose whom to date or marry? How does stress affect our body?

While such questions have been asked for centuries, psychological inquiry aims to provide empirical answers to questions about the human mind by applying the tools of scientific investigation. In this research practicum you will learn about some of the latest, ground-breaking research on topics such as memory, intelligence, morality, sexuality, mental illness, language, and creativity.

Through readings, discussions, hands-on research, and critical analysis, students will gain a deeper understanding of the mind and its intricate workings. At the end of this program, each student will be expected to produce a research paper of their own to discuss their findings.

Possible Topics For Final Project:

  • Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in a Globalized World

  • Socio-emotional Development: Theory of Mind & Self-Consciousness

  • Mind Illusions: When Biases and Heuristics Fail our Brains

  • Neuroscience and Psychology of Memory

  • Psychology of Art, Innovation & Creativity

  • Adolescent Psychology: From Brain to Behavior

  • Or other topics in this subject area that you are interested in, and that your professor approves after discussing it with you.

    Program Detail

  • Cohort size: 3 to 6 students

  • Workload: Around 4 to 5 hours per week (including class and homework time)

  • Target students: 9 to 12th graders interested in Psychology, Neuroscience, Sociology, Art Therapy, and other related areas.

  • Schedule: TBD. Meetings will take place for around one hour per week, with a weekly meeting day and time to be determined a few weeks before the start date.