Art and Architecture Program

Architecture and the City: Sustainable Urban Design That Inspires

Faculty Advisor: Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech; Former Adjunct Associate Professor, Urban Design, Columbia University

Research Program Introduction

How should we shape our cities? What architecture and urban design principles should we apply? There are many considerations, including the functionality of buildings, the availability of transportation, the environmental sustainability of the region, the outdoor comfort of pedestrians, the possibility of social interaction, and the richness of the spatial experience.  

This program will introduce students to the principles and theories that can inform the design of streets, plazas, neighborhoods, and their relationship to buildings. Weekly meetings will include a discussion of the readings and ideas presented in the students’ exercises.

Students will also learn general and subject-specific research and academic writing methods used in universities and scholarly publications. They will focus on individual topics and generate their own work products upon completing the program.

Project Topics

  • Designing with sustainability and wellness in mind

  • Important considerations in urban design

  • Contributing factors to the spatial experience

  • Design principles and theories for urban planning

  • Discussion of ideas presented in readings and visual materials

  • How to critique and analyze work

Program Details

  • Cohort size: 3 to 5 students

  • Duration: 12 weeks

  • Workload: Around 4 hours per week (including class and homework time)

  • Additional materials (optional): Students will require a pencil, a ruler or T square, and paper if they choose to do the drawing assignments.

  • Target students: 9 to 12th graders interested in architecture, urban design, and/or painting and drawing.