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Junior Group Research Program
Junior Group Research Programs are designed for middle school students who are eager to explore entry-level research and learn advanced subject knowledge beyond the classroom.
Research Interest Exploration Program
Developed by top college professors, students will explore various disciplines, develop skills, and create a tailored portfolio and research proposal with guidance from a Program Advisor.
Leadership & Entrepreneurship Exploration Program
These programs are designed to unlock students’ leadership potential by introducing them to the world of entrepreneurship. Students can learn essential skills and practical strategies to kickstart their journey, all under personalized professional guidance.
Advanced Group Research Program
Students will work with professors and scholars from top universities in a small-group setting, engage in lively discussions and get professional one-on-one guidance from Teaching Assistants.
Customized 1-on-1 Program
Our 1-on-1 research programs are highly personalized based on students’ interests, academic levels, goals, and schedules. These are perfect opportunities for students who want to pursue niche research projects.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Group programs usually have a set theme and schedule. One-on-one programs are much more flexible regarding schedule and topic. Students on a One-on-One program also have 2 more sessions with the professor and a better chance to win a letter of recommendation. Relatively speaking, the price of individualized programs is higher.
We do not guarantee a Letter of Recommendation. The reasons are:
1) It is unethical. A “guaranteed” letter would mean that the company has a template in hand that they are using for many of their students. This strongly violates academic integrity.
2) We encourage students to win their letters of recommendation by actively performing during live sessions and completing their work on time and to a high standard. Most professors would happily recommend a diligent and responsible student to selective colleges.
Students may be able to use their Scholar Launch research project as a starting point for competing in a future long-term science fair, but this is not the primary purpose of our research programs. Individual professors/TAs may have such experience or even be involved in the competitions, but the main goal of our research program is to help our students to produce original work.
The groups are very small (5 students maximum). When the cohort of admitted students is finalized, we send around a timesheet in which students indicate their availability.
Yes, absolutely. Some students take longer than others, but if you put in 4 hours a week consistently you should have no problem completing a 6-10 page research paper with proper citations. However, it is essential to follow the advice of your instructors and choose a suitably narrow research topic.
Junior Programs are entry-level research programs for middle school students. They are good for students to explore interests and comprehensively acquire subject knowledge. Advanced Research Programs are for high school students to conduct research at collegiate level and produce academic research papers.
Yes! That is the objective for many students. We advise students to research a range of publication outlets. Then, the student should submit their work to their chosen outlet.
If a student completes their paper, we will help them to choose where to submit it. Most journals that provide the opportunity for students to publish their work will not just say "yes" or "no" - instead, if it's a "no" they will provide detailed feedback which, if the student revises and resubmits their work, may also lead to publication.
For students who have a tight admission timeline, some of our partners can offer “pre-print” service to help expedite the review process.
Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to complete their paper and it is the student’s decision about how they wish to publish or otherwise disseminate their work. Our instructors and central education team will provide students with tailored advice on the opportunities awaiting their paper or project.
Each student selects their own research topic and writes their own paper. It is important to us that every student achieves their own independent outcome from our research program. Students also work 1-on-1 with the TA. The group format is only for the sessions with the professor, to maximize the seminar-style experience and collective learning opportunity.
Yes, we can offer additional TA sessions for a small additional fee.
You can contact our program coordinator with 24 hours notice. Where possible, the team will send you a recorded session with all the class materials, and review your progress to ensure you are up to date.