Scholar Success Stories: A Deep-Dive into Gender Studies and Public Health
This scholar's success story is a testament to what can happen when students select a research practicum they’re passionate about and dedicate the necessary amount of time and determination to it. We look to this student as a beacon of possibility for all the other students to come.

What to Study to Save the World: Climate Change
To encourage the next generation of environmentalists and keep that hopeful momentum going, here are 4 subjects to major in if you want to dedicate your career to helping the planet.

Scholar Success Stories: A Former Student Explores Accessibility
Student T’s success is a sign not only of her own academic fortitude, which she showcased before even joining Scholar Launch, but also of our faculty’s priceless guidance and mentorship. Together, we’re creating more success stories like this one every day.

EPQs, AP Capstones, and Scholar Launch Research Programs: How Do They Compare?
Many benefits–like gaining valuable transferable skills and demonstrating intellectual curiosity and academic commitment to colleges and universities–are consistent across EPQs, capstone projects, and our research programs. However, Scholar Launch’s high school research programs take the pre-collegiate research experience a step further.

Scholar Success Stories: The Intersection of Biology, Music, and Neuroscience
Student S's success in interdisciplinary study serves as a shining example of the value of high school research programs. By enhancing students’ academic experience beyond the classroom, these programs have shown to drastically improve their college admissions results.

The Immutable Value of Our Faculty
We’ve sourced our faculty of over 300 instructors from all corners of the globe, and the diversity of their backgrounds only bolsters the quality of education they offer to our students.

Scholar Success Stories: Student A
We’re starting this series because our hardworking and dedicated alums are more than deserving of applause. While our Faculty Advisors add immutable value to our research programs, our incredible students enrich our lives and inspire us daily.

3 Things to Consider When Publishing High School Research
There are a few things to consider before trying to publish your high school research, but we’re with you every step of the way.

The Importance of the Humanities
The study of the humanities helps us refine our shared values, bolster social programs, and improve the quality of life for human beings around the world.

Explore Accelerated Research Programs This Summer
By enrolling in an Accelerated Research Program, students from 7th to 12th grade can gain access to all the benefits of our typical research programs in less than half the time.