Scholar Success Story: How an Alumni Learned to Apply Computer Science in the Real World
The increasingly popular field of computer science is ballooning as tech-savvy, mathematically gifted students flock toward it in droves in pursuit of high-paying careers. It’s understandable. More than 350,000 jobs are expected to open up in the computer science and IT sector over the next decade and, as of 2023, the median entry-level salary for CS professionals is comfortably in the six figures. This is an excellent outlook for the industry and spells good news for the future of innovative technology; however, for students hoping to break into computer science programs, this exceptional growth rate implies steep academic competition.
One of our alumni, Student A, made the wise decision to fortify his academic profile by working with Scholar Launch and the Leadership and Innovation Lab to become more competitive. His plan was two-fold: participate in a research program to deepen his knowledge, and develop a tangible product to demonstrate subject-matter expertise. Student A’s ultimate goal was to apply his advanced knowledge and skillset to real-world issues that require innovative solutions.
Step 1: Become A Subject-Matter Expert Through Research
Student A approached us as a high school student interested in applied mathematics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and engineering. While his passion for and intrinsic knowledge of these subjects was evident, he still needed guidance to discover tangible applications of math and computer science. He also revealed that he had no research or academic writing experience, and thus looked to us to help him sharpen those skills. So, Student A enrolled in a research program to explore the many different aspects of computer science.
His Faculty Advisor, a mathematics professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Georgia Tech, started the cohort by helping students brainstorm research ideas and structure research questions. The professor also provided students with a database of resources and other materials they’d need to complete their projects.
Student A then began to work closely with his Faculty Advisor to learn how to apply Python, binary cross-entropy models, and logistic regression to the development of a machine learning model. In the meantime, Student A’s Teaching Assistant guided him through the structuring, writing, and revising of his final paper. After weeks of hard work, he published his research in an academic journal, an admirable feat for any high school student. His Scholar Launch research experience deepened his passion for mathematics and computer science, which prepared him for the next stage of his journey: utilizing his knowledge to create a product with real-world impact.
Step 2: Apply Newfound Knowledge to a Project with Tangible Impact
Upon completing his research, Student A enrolled in a Leadership and Innovation Lab entrepreneurship program to develop a unique and impactful signature project. For three months he worked with his mentors to engineer a product that intertwined his computer science expertise with his desire to build community through social consciousness and community advocacy. He brought his project to life using the machine learning model he developed in his research program. Meanwhile, his LIL mentors helped him balance his entrepreneurship venture and school commitments with a structured timeline, which helped to improve his time management skills.
In the end, Student A was able to apply his knowledge of math and computer science by creating 3D models to support individuals with visual impairments. The real-world impact was immediately evident: his model contributed to over 80 software programs dedicated to low-vision accessibility. Aside from the fact that the creation of this product significantly enhances a college application, Student A also gained intangible benefits during his time with the Leadership and Innovation Lab. He developed strong leadership and problem-solving skills through project planning and execution. He also cultivated a deeper sense of empathy and social responsibility by addressing community needs.
Ultimately, Student A’s research and entrepreneurial venture paid off when he earned an acceptance letter from Stanford University, one of the top schools in America. As a now college student, he’s at the beginning of his journey. However, he has a successful computer science career to look forward to, thanks to the time he dedicated to Scholar Launch and LIL. We’re proud of all he achieved, and look forward to telling many more stories like this one in the future.